Well maybe outside of Victoria there is still lots of gold in diggings? :lol:
Which was this? One of the biggest you found or just in general?StayyerAU said:G'day
Also as Shep said you might even locate a source that the old timers missed, as many times they just gave up on a spot or took off when another rush stated to a new area, one of the biggest nuggets found was at the bottom of a shallow trench and barely covered with soil, the kicker was that it had a pick mark in it left by the digger of the trench who for some reason or another moved on.
in vic ?Shep said:Got a bit over 3kg last year from old Chinese diggings. They missed the source by less then 100cm and I found it. Happy days haha
excelpest2002 said:in vic ?Shep said:Got a bit over 3kg last year from old Chinese diggings. They missed the source by less then 100cm and I found it. Happy days haha
oldtimerROB said:Its not about finding gold its about getting away from the rat race and a privilege to camp out in the sticks.Looking for gold keeps you occupied and stops you thinking about women constantly.