Has any members used or have a new equinox 900 as yet how do you find them regards john
I've already got an 800 so am waiting for the Manticore to become readily available as I can't see any significant advancements (for me) in the 900.Has any members used or have a new equinox 900 as yet how do you find them regards john
For the wider target range, would you say you're picking up less trash (bottle caps, etc..) compared to the older equinox such as the 800? I'm quite interested to know how easier it is to diffentiate between target ID's with the newer model now.Operationally, like menu, settings etc the 900 is pretty much the same as the 800. The improvements made to the 900 (and 700) are many:
- Better arm rest
- Different handle design - feels much better to me
- Shaft is a big improvement. Lighter and folds down smaller
- Red backlight as well as backlit keypad.
- Coil wings on the 11" look like a big improvement
- The control pod design looks beefed up - probably part of the improved waterproof rating.
Performance wise, the two differences are:
1. Wider target ID range.
2. Depth Pitch audio option.
The dP (depth pitch) option is basically like the VCO audio modes on other machines. Larger/shallower targets increase the tone pitch of the signal. I have used that a lot for either focusing on shallow recent drops, OR ignoring shallow junk and listening for the mellower deeper targets, so this is a very welcome addition on the new Equinox's. Also means that on the Equinox 700 (without a dedicated gold mode), you can enable dP audio in relic mode, and this will be similar to what you'd expect to hear from a traditional "gold" or prospecting mode.
No, haven't had a go of a Manticore yet.Thanks Nenad have you had a chance to use a manticore yet regards john
In what way?I'm finding it better than the 800 ..
It's better iron rejection for starters that blew me away ... don't forget it's all new from the ground up . Faster processinhhhg speed . Depth and swing speed on targets is about the same as the 800 .. I like the new vdi range .. I've got to get more time on it . But it's iron rejection is awesome . I've put nails on a 10 cent buried it at 4" and the 800 can't pick out the coin but the 900 does .. but if you have 2 nails and make a cross pattern with them the 900 sort of gets it but tried with a 14k white gold ring and got nothing .. so far it's better than the 800 .. in a month's time I'll post up my views on it . But it wont be a final view of it as ive gotta try that 6" coil sooner or later and see how its seperation on targets is in trashy ground and ill most likely try around cue area near the tip about mid year ..In what way?
Cheers that's for that!It's better iron rejection for starters that blew me away ... don't forget it's all new from the ground up . Faster processinhhhg speed . Depth and swing speed on targets is about the same as the 800 .. I like the new vdi range .. I've got to get more time on it . But it's iron rejection is awesome . I've put nails on a 10 cent buried it at 4" and the 800 can't pick out the coin but the 900 does .. but if you have 2 nails and make a cross pattern with them the 900 sort of gets it but tried with a 14k white gold ring and got nothing .. so far it's better than the 800 .. in a month's time I'll post up my views on it . But it wont be a final view of it as ive gotta try that 6" coil sooner or later and see how its seperation on targets is in trashy ground and ill most likely try around cue area near the tip about mid year ..
On the contrary, the new coils for the 900 are supposedly an improved design, but Minelab has said that all Equinox coils are compatible.Cheers that's for that!
I have my eye on the Manticore, but it's sounds like the 900 is worth considering also...I presume the 800 coils are not compatible with the 900?
The 900 comes with the 6" coil , I wonder how the 15" would go on deeper targets with the 900 ..That's certainly a plus as I already have the 6" and 15" coils for the 800...