Earthquakes and Cyclones

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Sep 28, 2014
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Gympie, QLD
This month is an absolute doozy woke up to a earthquake the other morning ! thought my legs were extra i wonder if the old mines underneth the town got fractures...gympie could inherit a new sink hole... :D
And now the low that wont turn into a Tc is a cat 2 now we are going to get flooded in again hahaha. Everyone has emptied out the shops no bread and milk.. 8.( atleast there should be fresh gold in the creeks cant wait to see what 400mls does in 24hrs.... :eek:
Yes Yobskin precisely!

Mother Natures rain of terror up north will open up a new barrel of opportunity for you guys!

Hi All
We live in Yeppoon I've been here for 16 years and haven't been through a cyclone I'm not sure what or how I will feel around 1am.

I hope we all get through it ok.

Yep we are getting serious wind now. Blimey how do ya tie down a car!!!
Kim hold tight luv . Cat 5 is bad
Predicted gusts nearing 300kph on Friday morning, this isn't a cyclone to take lightly! I see some areas where it will make landfall (St Lawrence), are now being told to evacuate vs riding it out. Stay safe for those living in the affected areas, looks like a real nasty system. :|
yobskin said:
This month is an absolute doozy woke up to a earthquake the other morning ! thought my legs were extra i wonder if the old mines underneth the town got fractures...gympie could inherit a new sink hole... :D
And now the low that wont turn into a Tc is a cat 2 now we are going to get flooded in again hahaha. Everyone has emptied out the shops no bread and milk.. 8.( atleast there should be fresh gold in the creeks cant wait to see what 400mls does in 24hrs.... :eek:
Hang in there mate :)
Good luck yobskin to you and the rest of that mob up north.
I'm more than happy to be here in Ballarat and its sub zero winters if it means I miss out on category 5 cyclones.
Stay safe with Kim and the cats.
Regards steve
Our survival kit is ready..we will camp out under the house in the kids kubby house if things get crazy . This rain is solid guys it dosnt im ages away from it. Mrs yobskin is a console operator at a servo on the highway she has been hearing real crazy a woman whom filled her trolly with bread to the top! The shop keeper asked if she could put some back for other people... her response...tipped the trolly over and proceeded to jump on the bread destroying it saying "if i cant have it know one will". :eek: crazy people i just needs buns... ;)
Wet, wet ,wet!!! My wife texted me 0500 saying it kept her awake all night. I,m safe in a brick walled hospital, she's doing call centre work for the SES calls up north. 0700 start.
Well guys hasnt this turned into somthing special! by morning all of NSW and VIC will be covered by cloud if not by now.....i will be getting smashed around middnight hoping it drops out completely.
But this isnt finished yet by a long shot....becareful and start preping for flooding. Nsw and Vic.
By my water gauge at 30mls i have emptied it 8 times between 1am--7am counting 240mls plus :eek: its finaly stopped now bridges are going under with a 13 meter flood clearance making it 14 plus meters and riseing. Gold is moving today!!!
Throw a sheet of moss out in the creek with a couple of old Cleveland V8 blocks as anchors :D
Good to hear your in one piece mate, hopefully the rising creeks and rivers don't dump a 4 meter Salty on your front lawn :eek:
I left some gold traps in the creek.... some how i dont think there gona be there when the water drops! Theres a couple of vw sized boulders up further i bet there getting moved. The creek looks like a mud/rock slury very thick ...banks are getting shaved back.
Mmmm saltys hey....croc dogs for dinner :D
Cant see blue sky yet but glad its stopped raining i tell ya.

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