Unfortunately I think that AngerManagement's sarcasm was misunderstood.
The PA areas are very frustrating at times, especially of late. It seems like there is more and more rubbish every time I have been out there. Which I find hard to understand as I, along with many other prospectors, come home usually with a bag of rubbish from others. But yet it still seems to be accumulating.
It is reasons like this that we are not allowed to prospect in many areas, and why they will never open up state forests to us in QLD.
The same people who are trashing the place are the same people who like to go there to go get gold. Makes no sense. Do you people (No one specific) trash your own house, or workplace???? Why would you want to jeopardise the only few spots available to fossick. If its goes, then WHAT???
I understand AngerManagement's annoyance.
Unfortunately there is not much we can do about it. YOU CAN"T TEACH COMMON SENSE.
It wouldn't even surprise me if half these jerks don't even carry a current Fossicking Licence.
For those out there that do the right thing, KEEP IT UP. :Y: Make like you never were there. Every little bit matters.