I took this directly of my permit.
Note clause 7.6
Clause 6 does worry me though. There is no mention of Bankers or Sluices.
There is no mention on how you process your material.
I will make a phone call next week and get clarification from the top end.
1. For the purpose of this Authority -
1.1. Fossicking means search in a small way for minerals;
1.2. Minerals means minerals as defined by the Mining Act.
2. This consent does not authorize fossicking on any area held under lease from the Crown on any State Forest.
3. This consent does not authorise fossicking in timber reserves or Forest Management Zone 1. Maps showing these
areas are available at
www.forestrycorporation.com.au <
4. The holder must conform with all requirements under the Mining Act 1992 and its regulations as well as the information
provided in the publication Fossicking: a guide to fossicking in NSW available on the Department of Primary Industries
5. A person must not fossick for minerals on any land that is the subject of an authority, a mineral claim or an opal
prospecting licence except with the consent of the holder of the authority, claim or licence.
6. State forest areas are subject to native title and as such, only hand -held implements (like picks, shovels, hammers,
sieves, shakers, gold pans and metal detectors) may be used to fossick in State forests.
7. The holder must not in the course of fossicking:
7.1. Excavate in any way except as outlined in clause 6.1.
7.2. Undercut or damage the bank of any watercourse
7.3. Interfere with the flow of water in any watercourse
7.4. Cause pollution of any watercourse
7.5. Cause significant turbidity in any watercourse
7.6. Use any explosives or equipment or machinery operated by mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical power for
digging purposes
7.7. Disturb more than one cubic metre of material during any period of 48 hours
7.8. Damage or remove bush rock (not being a mineral)
7.9. Enter any quarries or gravel pits
7.10. Remove in any 48 hour period more than:
7.10.1. 5 kilograms of minerals (other than gold or gemstones);
7.10.2. 50 grams of gold (or 5 nuggets of 10 grams or greater);
7.10.3. 5 nuggets of gold of 10 gms or greater;
7.10.4. 100 grams of gemstones; or
7.10.5. 10 kg of mineral-bearing material (other than above).
8. The holder of this authority shall ensure that the site of any fossicking conducted under this authority is restored as close
as possible to its pre-disturbed condition and left in a clean and tidy condition.
9. The holder must comply with requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 and its Regulation 2001.
10. State forests are working forests and fossicking is not permitted in areas where access is restricted for harvesting, fire
fighting, organised recreational activities or when the forest is officially closed due to extreme weather conditions .
Fossickers must not interfere with the rights of other legitimate forest users and should heed the directions of Forestry
Corporation of NSW staff or contactors.