What about Rusty. Shoey.
Gina, as in the Cattle Queen Of Australia, AKA Gina "Hancock" Rinehart. Good luck with her shakergt, they're a bloody great breed of dog.shakergt said:After lossing my red cattle dog last year it looks like I may be picking up a blue cattle dog in 8 weeks. I am after good names for girl dogs. Any ideas? I can onoy think of a couple at the moment but im sure the list will grow.
So far I have Shelby and Dakota. Of course the name has to suit the pup.
liliane said:Hello shakergt, did you find a name yet? otherwise i got a good name for you
Or SquirtJaros said:What about Rusty. Shoey.
Mackka said:The spelling is always different for those that cannot spell. I feel really sorry for some kids these days with the names they have been given at birth and i feel for the teachers that have to remember them.