digging to china

Prospecting Australia

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Went out on Sunday to a goldfield to run a sluice with my 13 year old son.

After half the morning working diggings holes we were visited by the owner of the neighboring mining lease. He has been working it for 20 years as a serious alluvial operator and he came by to provide friendly tips. Spent an hour driving around learning about where the wash layer is where to dig and the virgin ground vs the ground worked over before.

Guess what, it all about finding the wash layer on the shallow ground. We pulled more color in a dish for 1 small pan than 4 20kg buckets in a regular diggings hole.

It's all about locating the wash layer on virgin ground. Some ground the wash layer is too deep and in others it is shallow.

Looking at the layers in the diggings hole looking for the rich gold layer sometimes only 1cm deep.

Chunky nice gold as well compared to further down just working the river where it's all finer.

Young fellow had a absolute ball. :lol:
Finding a pro to help u out like that is worth its weight in gold ...literally. that advice will set u and your son on a successful path for ever now , I envy you ;)
I dont think this is the place to talk about plastic mates.....
On a more pertinent point have a few relatives in china if by chance you go deep enough.
yobskin said:
Tathradj said:
lucky streak said:
And make sure you put a rubber mate in your sluice too catch all the gold.
I use a plastic one. :cool:
hahaha what? A plastic mate? :lol:
I hope he didn't use a plastic GI JOE, it would punched the ***** outa anything coming down the sluice box, probarbly smack your gold right outa there :eek:
Oh, I thought he said Check Mate. :8
I use plastic spaghetti matting mate.
Oh, DO NOT use a plastic Chuck Norris. :eek:
Your Banker, Pump, Hose, Car, and the general area will become a disaster area pretty darn quick if some thing goes wrong. Especially if your Banker suffers from Shovel Strike. :mad:
I'm soooo confused.
"a plastic Chuck Norris?"
I raise you one with a Bruce Lee which is higher than a Jackie Chan!!!
Sorry Tathradj but I missed what you meant so I went a bit mad. :p
We are all a bit crazy sometimes. PMSL.
Ok, The penultimate action figure, Superman...
Go beat that one mate. :lol:
I did have an Arnie around until he tried to terminate the dog next door. He did come back but went on a permanent vacation. :cool:
stoyve said:
I don't believe anything can trump superman but I still prefer BAT MAN, :)

I had a plastic Evil Kenievel ... that must come close?
Marked said:
stoyve said:
I don't believe anything can trump superman but I still prefer BAT MAN, :)

I had a plastic Evil Kenievel ... that must come close?

What a dead set LEGEND he was Marked.
If I remember correctly, Tony Martin did a documentry about him a few years ago which I really enjoyed. :D