Detecting with the Garrett Euro ACE

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May 23, 2016
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G'Day guys,

Finally I got my new second hand detector some days ago. I bought a Garrett Euro ACE near Cairns ... maybe from someone of this forum?


Anyway at the moment I am staying in Melbourne and will try out some playgrounds and beaches around. I know it's not the best choice for the beach, but at least one within my budget.

The first day at St Kilda beach was sobering. But I thought this before, because the whole beach was levelled and probably also cleaned with a tractor or similar. Also I am not really used to the detector yet and just dig everything my detector finds.

So I more or less only cleaned the beach :rolleyes:



I have no Idea what this thing similar to a tent peg is, but it is really spiky. The coin are 5 ct.

I will keep you up to date in this thread. Hopefully next time with some more success.
am sure you wouldave found a ring, if it was under your coil. The euro ace, or ace350 goes pretty deep.
Well done werner,
Everything in your picture is exactly what turns up in everyones find bag at the end of a beach session
Especially condom wrappers and tent pegs :lol:
Its only a matter of time (and timing) till you have some real goodies to show
As above, plus also some people don't tend to show their junk finds, so you don't get a realistic picture of the typical find to junk ratio on the beach. Good to have a Euroace on the forum at last, the Garretts are great for cherry picking goldies and decimal coinage on the dry sand, I use to do quite well with my Ace 250 cleaning up after hot days.

Your tent peg find has simply corroded away leaving a sharp tip, very common items on the beach. Give it a few weeks and you will start to get your ear in on what the detector is telling you, digging junk is all a part of the learning process. ;)
Thanks for your posts, I tried a little bit with the detector and some coins in my backyard, to get a feeling for the sound. But at least I will dig everything over iron anyway. At the moment I run the detector in Jewelry mode. Would you recommend this for parks, or should I run the dector in the Coin mode?

Yesterday I tried a playground in a park nearby. Unfortunately I had to ascertain that all sand in the playgrounds is replaced by wood chips, which makes it harder to dig and might be quite new.


I picked up plenty of small foil pieces and bottle caps. But also some coins 2.15 $

Old: $0.05
New: $2.20
Another swing out at the beach. This time Brigthon Beach ... I found more or less the same stuff as the first time, just trash. The coins appeared at the end of the beach where I least expected them.


So where do you search for coins at the beach? Of course, coins which you pic up after a hot day, will occure just where someone droped it. But where could you expect coins brought to the beach by waves or a storm?


Next time I will try a park again, the season at the beaches is over and probably to many of us tried already their luck with their detector.

Old: $2.20
New: $2.50
Keep at it. I only started beach detecting this summer after 3 years of detecting parks, old sites etc. Like any detecting it's a learning curve. Persistence definately pays. I have found beaches can be loaded or empty on any day. Or maybe I was not on the right beach or in the right spot on the beach. ;)
Yesterday I went for a swing to Port Melbourne Beach. At first I tried to find something at the low tide mark, but without success. Later when the water level raised again, I detected the at the beach accesses and really found some coins. After this I headed to a park near the beach for another half an hour swing.
I am surprised I havent found a one dollar or 50ct coin yet and definitely want to find some curios stuff.

Port Melbourne Beach


Old: $2.50
New: $10.65
Hey, I flew last week to Cairns and travelled at Cape Tribulation. The last days I had some time in Cairns and covered a small beach and a playground.


The beach and the playground was quite clean, so every third target was a coin. A good feeling!


I think the ring is trash, but hey it's my first one :) Some coins are so rusty that I think I can't foist them to someone, except for a grocery store atm maybe.

Old....: $10.65
New...: $26.45
Did a good job at cleaning up the beach with all that bagged junk, also pretty productive for such a small area.
Hey there, thanks for your response. I didnt meet any other metal detectors in Cairns or isnt your son in metal detecting Ramjet?
Yes I run my detector in the Jewelry mode, do you think I miss some important targets? Of course iron targets could also be very interesting, but I am afraid of digging to much trash.

I left Cairns a few days ago and just finished one of the playgrounds before I left. I got a few coins, my second trash ring and a watch. The watch is unfortunately not waterproof and is soaked in sea water.



From Cairns I went south to Innisfail to the Flying Fish Point. My travel mate is a passionate fisher so we spent two days there. At first I checked two of the playgrounds, without success. I nearly gave up and declared this spot for overhunted, when I hit on my way back to the car my first Penny :D This is are the results form the next 6 hours





A few Pennys, one half Penny and one Florin. Except for the half Penny, I cannot see what the last three coins are. The Crown with the initials under it might be from some necklace. One of the spoons is nickel silver, but I cannot read the whole stamp.
I am not sure how I should clean the coins. Some of them are in a bad condition and I cant read anything. I read some advices in the forum but there are thousands of ways described to clean coins. Any advice for the Pennys?

Tomorrow we will go further south to Townsville. If someone down there is keen for a hunt together I would appreciate this.

Old....: $26,45
New...: $ 34,50
Nice hunting mate, well done. The last coin is a sixpence I think. That florin should clean up nicely, looks to be in great condition.

The old copper coins go best in olive oil but I never bother with them as they are usually trashed. The silver coins are best done rubbing with soda-bi-carb and water paste, if that does not work then a soak in mild citric acid solution then rub with bi-carb paste and they should come up nice and shiny.