desert island

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Jun 8, 2013
Reaction score

So which 4 would it be
looks like prospecting on the island won't help 8.(
Pot, matches, toilet paper, hammock. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:.toilet paper for the rolling of pot, matches to light the toilet paper, hammock for letting the good times roll after completion of steps one two and three. :D
1./ knife - multi use tool, protection, hunting, make shelter (hopefully that cheaparse gerber wont fail on you :) )
2./ pot -carry things, hold and purify water
3./ matches - fire

then would depend on the environment... tent - shelter, flares - rescue signal, rifle (assuming includes ammo) - food, 1st aid kit...???

looking forward to the responses on this one
fishing rod
hand saw

How many of you could make fire without matches, lighter or flint and steel.
Rubbing two wood sticks together. Well, maybe, that depends on kind of wood available there.
Having fishing rod and fire you can eat. Having knife and saw,you can build things.
My bad! I've just woken up to the fact there's two types of pot up there,I'm not to sure how I will be rolling that big cast iron badboy in toilet paper now.arghhhhhhh. 8.( 8.( 8.(
Inflatable raft
water purifier
fishing rod
flare gun

You can all sit on the island
I'm getting the hell off to go find some gold
Same as XIV.
I will admit, It does depend on the type of deserted Island. :rolleyes:
It does say "Deserted Island".
Who was there first and did they leave all these goodies behind. 8)

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