Greglz86 said:I'm currently keeping a eye out for a book called "the glint of gold by kerrin cook". I hear its basically a good history book making plenty of references to locations and towns in the central west NSW area. But I'm also looking for a good book for a beginner (such as myself) to what I should look for when out on a gold field. If anyone can recommend something I'm all ears
Nightjar said:Greglz86 said:I'm currently keeping a eye out for a book called "the glint of gold by kerrin cook". I hear its basically a good history book making plenty of references to locations and towns in the central west NSW area. But I'm also looking for a good book for a beginner (such as myself) to what I should look for when out on a gold field. If anyone can recommend something I'm all ears
Here you go Greg;
View or Order this Book:
Got mine from Bathurst tourist centre years back for $40. You could check and see if they still carry it.Croc said:The book may be out of print. I got my copy from either the orange tourist centre or the historical society not sure which, for around $40 plus about 10 for postage.
Howdy, are those books still there, are you on the gold coast? and if so which library, my folks live up there so next time im up i'd like to do a bit of "researching" beside that photocopier, also if there is so much interest in the book surly limited preorder publishing or amazon would be the way to goLoneWolf said:There was a fellow up Proserpine way that put all Gold and Ghost on to a CD... He made quite a few of them... When the Author found out, he was threatened with Legal action if he sold one copy.... My 'local' library has all 4 copies that are in the Reference section... You can 'use' them for 'Research' and where you sit is right next to the Photo-copying Machine.... How Handy... All for 'Research purposes' of Course... Fully Legal to copy sections for Research use, as per Copyright Laws... and post #11
LW.... :rainbow:
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Aussiedigga said:Can you put back up link doesn't workjoe said:uploading now will post the link (pdf too large to fill nuggets new server)