"Would it be possible for gold to be found in these areas"? Yes, but they do not have to occur together (quartz veins occur throughout Australia and the world, but in much of Australia and most of the world there is no gold association). As a geological explanation, all rocks contain silica, hot water moving through rocks will extract silica and deposit it elsewhere as quartz, chalcedony and opal - but gold does not occur in all rocks. Hot water moves through rocks almost everywhere at some time.
Or to put it another way, there are better indicators of where to prospect for gold. I would have trouble if you took me anywhere in Australia that had hard rock outcrops in not finding quartz veins in an hour, even if there was no gold within hundreds of km.
Conversely, gold is nevertheless fairly common and widespread, but the trick is picking the places where it is worth spending the time looking for it. Searching the literature is a good start.
Nice crystals though....