Cows killing koalas

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May 12, 2017
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I am having a problem with cattle ( all cows, black angus ) that I look after killing koalas. I heard them all mooing today and went to see what the comotion was and unfortubately it was too late for the koala. Found anouther dead one a few mounths back and now think it was probably the cattle too. Anyone else have this problem ? I am thinking about removing the trees they are travelling too so they stay in the tree line, not sure how else to stop it happening ?
I am not kidding. I think they see them as a threat or something and Koalas are not real mobile when caught out in the open. The whole herd seems to be involved in this behaviour.
OK. Um I have never heard of that ever before. That's really odd. Still recon you should get a game camera or 2. Maybe go out with a spotlight. Other than that, can you move the cattle somewhere else ? Or maybe put cow bells on them... the cows that is.
Yeah some times of the year the males especially will come down to the ground way more often, I used to have them sneak up on me and have a bit of a growl, others being more inquisitive than some, even had one come and eat some dry dog food out of the dogs bowls (would never believe it until seeing it) and have a drink of water if its especially dry. The old thing of koalas not drinking water is not quite true, when their gums are dry they need to top up anyway they can get it.
Maybe if its dry where you are thats what they are after. You could always toss some water in some low tubs near the tree line, away from the cattle.
They have probably had a growl at the cattle, its a crazy guttural noise so Id imagine it would spook them and cause them to lash out and kick.
Pleanty of water around at the moment as we are in the south and its wet winter weather. Its the trees they want to get to. When I was young we planted some manna gums amoungst other natives for screaning a shed, they are now large trees and koalas are always to be found in them. The native bush around here is mainly stringy barks which I think they can eat but the manna gums seem to be their favourite.
aussiefarmer said:
Are they cows calving or close to ?
A cow with a calf is not to be trusted.
There are some young ones but they are over one year old now
aussiefarmer said:
Are they cows calving or close to ?
A cow with a calf is not to be trusted.
Thought more about your comment, they had a bull with them a while back some perhaps in calf. I didnt know they got like that until after the calves are born.
Yep quite common...
They will also kill dogs cats ect..if they feel threatened.
Cant help with the solution .Sorry.
Strange animal the cow..we couldn't keep the cows in the same paddock as the horses.....They used to eat our horses tails..All the horses were tailless..WTF.. :eek: :D
Jaros said:
My god!! What is the world coming to?? What if you rang RSPCA and they might move them to a safer spot away from the feral cows!!
:eek: :p
Good idea but they would have some work cut out for them. Properties around here are ajoining a large national park. Same cattle that did that also chase my chickens but chickens can move faster than Koalas when they have too. They also ate all my neigbours Christmas tree lights. About 50 meters of them :eek:
Goldfreak said:
I am having a problem with cattle ( all cows, black angus ) that I look after killing koalas. I heard them all mooing today and went to see what the comotion was and unfortubately it was too late for the koala. Found anouther dead one a few mounths back and now think it was probably the cattle too. Anyone else have this problem ? I am thinking about removing the trees they are travelling too so they stay in the tree line, not sure how else to stop it happening ?

Are u sure the cows are actually killing the Koalas? or are they just looking at the dead animal after the event, which I know cattle will do.

If they are killers cows then u better get a film crew and make a movie and call it the revenge of the koalas, where the koalas become Kung fu koalas. :D

cheers dave

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