Closing all the Gates

Prospecting Australia

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Ross Langlands
Jun 17, 2013
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Their Closing all the Gates.
Their closing all the gates my friend's
Prospectors all shutout
And they're closing all the gates my friend Heres what its all about.
Since our fathers first walked oer this land
Theres been a shining light.
For a man could break from poverty
If he held the Miners Right.
Now the Government and the mining Lobby
Rub their hands and say, Heres a Lurk!
Close the Gates and slap a padlock on, The gravels we wish to work.
Environmental issues are The catch-cry at their place
But theyll happily dig some Flamin hole That you can see from bloody Space!.
And now it seems theyll slap you hard And throw you in the Slammer
If their compliance mob haps to come by And yer pumping to your Banker.
And the truth is that we do no harm
Were not there blind and mental
We simply seek a little gold While clearing heavy metals.
Its further true we love the land
We take our family with us
To view the Mountain streams and smell Lemon scented Eucalyptus.
So we wont cop with this much more Where gathering with our mates
To fight you buggers whod keep us out By closing all the gates.

Copyright. 2017. Ross L. Langlands. :cool:

'bout as close I can get.
Well done Rosscco. :Y: :Y:
Thanks fellas. stoyve and Rusty-G For a little thumbs up :) and all who 'liked'. Good to know you g'uys are all over my prose and that keeps me sharp and motivated. :cool: big :Y: thumbs up right back at all you diggers :D and a special :Y: to 7.62 marksman... who could do with a little :rainbow: today as well! ]:D
There was a time since dreaming
when the land was all around
just as was intended
Mineral still here in the ground
nothing was removed
unless a job for it was found
for all was where it should be
put at rights far in the past
a place here for existance
in a way to make it last
not to take a part and squander
just to use it very fast.
so all was how it should be
till that time had come away
when someone dreamed a dreaming
and it started straight away
And now no amount of dreaming
could make it go away
it took full force like thunder
Like with dingoes at the heel
as it changed the land asunder
opened as an orange peeled
and now that place of dreaming
that one far in the past
gets pushed aside and hidden
as we dream of wealth and cash.
silver (today)
Just thought I'd look from way back
not the best of rhyming though(mine I mean).
but you inspired me reefer. :Y:
Silver!.. :D If it comes from within you..sought of midway between your heart and your soul...then it does not need to rhyme. If I have inspired you in the slightest sense, I am deeply honoured and humbled at the same time.:D
What in essence I take from your work, is a wistful reflection on how things have changed forever in this nation's dreaming and it is so in a large measure because of the greed of some and the need to build a new nation by most of the rest.
There was so much that we ignored when we dismissed the first nations people as (savages). And the best that we can do now is to recover as much of their sacred knowledge of our mother earth and use it to understand our land and partner with them to preserve what is left. The Dreaming I feel is not dead we can make a difference..even if we inspire one person to seek a more sustainable life style then and I, have done good work. :Y:
Reefer your a gifted man :Y: that is awesome you've just put into words what we all feel :Y:.
Nice work. Ironic they subsidise massive foriegn companies, then try to shut down all the little guys under the excuse of " enviromental protection " just my two cents, suffering from a bit of hypocratoxemia at the moment.