So I am led back to my marinade and sauce theory now it has been brought up again.
No time to test it but, they are usually laden with.... tomato acids or CA from fruits so may really do the job but take time,
tinned tomato sauce (for pasta) or juice too, probably best bets.
I think it would would be great to find a 'paste' to do the job that would simply rinse off with water, or a gel block you could push the coins into
and have them chemically stripped of all the rubbish without base metal damage.
All for one, one for all guys.
And, these idea's have been around for many years, since before our grandparents, so I would not be surprised that everything was discussed long ago.
No time to test it but, they are usually laden with.... tomato acids or CA from fruits so may really do the job but take time,
tinned tomato sauce (for pasta) or juice too, probably best bets.
I think it would would be great to find a 'paste' to do the job that would simply rinse off with water, or a gel block you could push the coins into
and have them chemically stripped of all the rubbish without base metal damage.
All for one, one for all guys.
And, these idea's have been around for many years, since before our grandparents, so I would not be surprised that everything was discussed long ago.