Basically a whole lot of nations have and will abandon the US dollar for Russian and Chinese backed currencies due to the fact the China and Russia have acquired huge amounts of gold to back their currencies. The Chinese Yuan will be elevated to a global reserve currency on the world market once enough gold acquisitions have been made.
With the US economy in tatters, and their dollar is sinking just as fast with its dollar being de-valued by their destructive economic policy, plus the fact that they probably have no gold left even if they wanted to have a gold backed currency, the US dollar is fast becoming a thing of the past. China is currently acquiring gold gold at a staggering amount of 1000 tonnes a month whilst price is low, they are predicting that the gold price will head for the heavens once China reaches their target amount of gold to back the Yuan. The gold value is not currently being affected by such large volumes of gold being bought, due to transactions occurring outside of the world market, direct sales from chinese owned mines and other sources.
The US dollar will flounder, as it will no longer have any credibility, considering it is no longer being tied to the the gold price, I can see nations leaving the US dollar in droves, and it will be a downward spiral from there. The only real asset the US has is its military, thats where most of its spending ends up, playing world police with their own interest at heart.
All I can say is hold onto your gold.