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On a serious note though, I always have a $500 cash kitty with me. Found myself at locations twice when the internet was down. No cash no fuel or anything else. I was lucky enough both times to scrape enough money out of the glovebox to get me to the next destination, others weren't so lucky and had to wait for the internet to come back on.
On a serious note though, I always have a $500 cash kitty with me. Found myself at locations twice when the internet was down. No cash no fuel or anything else. I was lucky enough both times to scrape enough money out of the glovebox to get me to the next destination, others weren't so lucky and had to wait for the internet to come back on.
Had the same experience at Fitzroy Crossing years ago, and their case register could not be open so no change😥
On a serious note though, I always have a $500 cash kitty with me. Found myself at locations twice when the internet was down. No cash no fuel or anything else. I was lucky enough both times to scrape enough money out of the glovebox to get me to the next destination, others weren't so lucky and had to wait for the internet to come back on.
In reference to Dave’s post above (#24 )
Years ago we were travelling back from the East and hit Norseman tills were down
I had a stash of change that got a full tank for the cruiser and a bit of tucker for us
Old mate at the servo was happy to get a big mob of change
We always travel with a back up float
Most job sites here in the west are going cashless
Not this little black duck a lawsuit carry some cash
Cheers Nanjim

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