OK Guys here is an up date to the Rally. But first of all, last weekend 16th.17th. & 18th BUGU & the PMAV had a very big internal stall at the 4 x 4, Fishing & Camping Expo at the Royal Melb. Showgrounds, where many thousands turn out over the weekend. They estimated over 35,000 + and I feel like I spoke to most of them over the 3 days. We got over 2000 signature on our petition over that period. Handed out thousands of flyers in regards to next Tuesday rally. Met many a politician over the weekend as the Nationals and the Shooter, Fishers & Farmers Party also had their stalls in the same Hall as us. They are fully supporting us and the National member, Melinda Bath PM, who is a member of the Legislative Council of the Upper House, and the one who sponsoring and presenting the petition to the Upper House on the day of the rally. We also had a great response from people attending the Expo and a fantastic indication from many bush user type groups that they will be attending the Rally. We are expecting in the range of 5000 + at the Rally (fingers crossed)
Now in regards to the rally it self. We now have FREE bus services coming down from Barmah, Bendigo, Ballarat, Mansfield, Maryborough and may be Sale. We are getting the Timber Industry to bring down there trucks and park them outside Parliament House. We will be having horse riders, 4 wheel drivers, trail bike riders, rock climbers, prospectors, hunters, fishermen, and people with their dogs. It looks like I, Roothy (4 wheel drive gooroo) & one other will be on "Good Morning Sunrise that morning. And then we head of to 3AW to the Neil Mitchell Radio Show. At the Rally you will hear from Melina Bath National PM, Louise Staley Liberal PM, Tim Quilty Independent, Roothy, Myself, someone from the shooter and someone from the horse group. There may be more. We march on Parliament House from the Treasury Gardens at 1pm. We have got full support by the Victorian Police, Parliament House Security and the Melb. City Council. This will be a very big rally by all indications. So please come along and support those that are supporting you. This could be our last chance to convince the Government that we will not tolerate any more bush closure or restriction of our chosen hobby or activities. Be Seen To Be Heard.