Cheers will do, but I do have one last request can u tell me in your opinion the absolute optimum water flow for ur wall banker so it's a fair test?
chemstar said:Ok so iv been thinking, I'll start a new thread
Mods ur welcome to delete my posts from here if deemed irrelevant
I'll test several sluices with perspex sides and a slow motion camera
and exact amounts of colour and gems put through each
That will put everything to rest,
This way is better than putting the same amount of pay dirt through each then panning concentrate
We will be able to see the affects of each in real time and if I'm wrong im more than happy to eat my hat ?
I'll start the thread in the diy section, if anyone wants a particular rig to be tested post specs for it there
So far I'll test
The walbanker, my set up which is very common world wide and whatever other set ups people come up with
chemstar said:Cheers will do, but I do have one last request can u tell me in your opinion the absolute optimum water flow for ur wall banker so it's a fair test?
chemstar said:Cheers will do, but I do have one last request can u tell me in your opinion the absolute optimum water flow for ur wall banker so it's a fair test?
Goldtarget said:Although the Raker has a heck of a job to keep up hey fella?! I've seen outboards in fact put a few shovel fulls into it. That's the only time I have seen one in action spec built. The amount of dirt put through was no joke despite the easy digs. If you had the will it could move mountains.![]()
chemstar said:I'll def have a crack at testing I know it's good because so many people rave about it, but I want to know why it's good so I can incorporate into future builds, but I'm still scratching my head because it's vastly different to what most people around the world use ( much larger riffles) so it looks like I'm building a wall banker then, is the original plans about? Or is the directions available in the other thread a modified version ?
CreviceSucker said:i tried that orange plastic bread crate in my first one too but soon moved towards engineering principles
Wal does have lots of experience which i tip my hat to him for , however its easy when we are newcomers to throw too much blind support on something so that it ends up looking very much like viral marketing sploog :8