Cool as mate. Free advertising for him lol..good on usLilnugget said:Yep that's were I shoot target Ian got me set up with my bow he's awesome there
pigs sound great even fellow I just got a block freezer I would love to fill
It's amazing how often you see a huge hog or massive sambar when you don't have your gun or bow with you. They seem to know you're not armed and will happily show themselves along the road verges etc. Even carrying a camera (as i now do) seems to make them more wary, i think they know you're interested and looking at them, and they don't like it. It used to be the same with crows when they used to be shot at lambing time, i reckon they knew when you were or weren't carrying a rifle before a shot was even made. :lol:Matturbo said:I'm looking into getting a bow and R licence to hunt the state forest my farm has 2 fences along, that section is bow only and lots of fallow, pigs, fox, bunnies and goats, I never see them with rifle in hand on my farm, only chainsaw lol
Nah mate I didn't when I use to have my hilux I wished 1 did even if it was to bruised to eat it would have made excellent dog foodAtomRat said:I thought stalking deer with rifle would be a challenge.. lots to get at our way. Did you see that buck running along the highway all last week close to your town??I had to slam on the breaks because it nearly jumped my car!