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Bottle labelling

Prospecting Australia

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SIDE NOTE HERE about the 'Butcher' glass.

Detecting, Kato found a 'Returned from Active Service Badge' from a returned Soldier WW2, given to him upon Discharge from Service.

Where it was found was a local community hall, we also found out that public drinking and being drunk publicly was a serious offence in those days.
People would gather for social events like dancing - still on every first Sat night of the month, over a hundred years at this particular hall.

Well, the RAS badge recipient was Gerald Bartlett (1915-1995), in the 1890's his father was employed in a bar on the second floor of 'Bee Hive Corner'
which is at Rundle st and King William st, opposite Hindley st. where the 'Butcher' is described as maybe being invented somewhat not
that much earlier at nearby pub's.
I have no doubt that Geralds father, and even his eldest sister would have poured many of these small glasses for local men.

We discovered a lot of history about Geralds family and their movements in SA.
One of those things is about his family owning a Pub in Rundle Street in 1915, the same site later purchased from them by John Martin
and rebuilt later into a serious department store "John Martins", founder and sponsor of the Christmas Pageant Parade, Adelaide City.
Gerald was born in 1915, possibly at that pub, with his head being 'wet' with a few 'Butchers' by Dad and friends.

They went on to own two other pub's over the years in inner Adelaide.

In the articles about beer glasses that I posted links to, there was some minor discussion about the cost of beer, I think that maybe that was also
contributing factor to the public need for smaller glass portions and therefore smaller price per glass, so a man could have his beer and eat too.
Added to that it seems that socially it may have been more accepted that women would be in pub's but maybe drinking from smaller glass to be
more feminine, and public drinking and drunken behaviour was not tolerated.

We love this sort of history in this house.
It is amazing what links to a persons life, events, history, social changes, ..... beer.
Quite fascinating really that we can look back over 100yrs at a strangers life.
My wife found a complete codd bottle with no embossing etc just plain so must of had labels way back then? Late 1800's early 1900's
Many years` ago there was a stash of old bottles including a couple of the ones with the glass ball in the top , stored at the back of an open shed at my late Grandfather`s place.
I always knew they were there and when we were cleaning the place up to sell it ,i looked for them ,but they were gone.
I honestly can`t remember if they were codd bottles or something else.

Would have been nice to have on display.

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