As someone who has done prospection in Northern France and Western Russia (near some famous vacation spots such as the Somme, the Chemin des Dames, Kursk and Volgograd, ex-Stalingrad), UXO stories are super common. And then we see the cultural differences : in France, if you stumble upon explosives, don't tell because you're not supposed to do metal detection here, but if you stumble accross it in a "normal" way, then call the police and they'll send an EOD squad. (fun fact : my wife's grandfather was given several dozen kilograms of surplus military explosives after the Algerian War in the 60s and was told to deal with explosives himself and not to bother the cops ; unexploded WW1 shells were THAT common). In Russian, you can call the police, but there may be someone in your group who finds it fun to try and blow up the thing by themselves. I'm surprised that I'm not the only surviving prospector in this country!