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Barrington tops Is there really Saphires and Rubbies or Gold, where is

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Apr 18, 2017
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Hi lovers of gems and Gold, I am kinda a green horne and I am passionate about Saphires and digging them up and all beautiful gems and Gold, I want so much to find them at Barrington Tops, I contacted the Forrestry Department to get a map of whetre I can find the gems and the mines, I am still waiting, if you guys have them or can take me to a trip there I would be happy as larry, I want to go soon and before winter hits there as its snows and is freezing, I know theres Saphires there, I found one in the creek once 25 years ago, please give me any advice as my email is, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX please help me as I live in central coast and am wanting to do some finding also I would love better spots at Glen inness to, as its good but most spots are fossicked out.

Thank you.
Catherine. :gemstone: :pickshovel: :koala: :goldnugget:
Hi Catherine.
Yes there are gems found in the Barrington River not so much gold
For fossicking maps. Jump on the internet an get on the forestry fossicking areas page and you will find maps and you can also purchase a fossicking permit that will allow you to fossick in State forest areas. Most of Barrinton Tops is National Parks and fossicking is prohibited
There are plenty of State forest areas to the north. I've heard of gems been found under the bridge at Barrington ( the town).
As far as Glen Inness been fossicked out. I don't know about that. There are plenty of good creeks that hold good sapphire. Just need to put the hard yards in.
All the information you are after is on the internet. Just need to do the research
Also. Probably not a good idea to display your email.
Good luck Catherine
Cheers Banjo
Hi Catherine, there are some places up in the Barrington Tops for rubies and sapphire, I have seen some stones posted up here from the area.

Check out this link to the minview site I'll set it so it shows the deposits at BT, with different layers it will show the fossicking areas and state forests.

If you head up there and find anything please post some pics.

Had to edit out your email address as we don't allow contact details on the main forum.


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