Silly me, this is what it is:
It was the day legislation passed for the expulsion of Legitimacy as the governing power of common sense.
No longer was the land subject only to the meek - criminality to, was dancing on the precipice for supremacy.
Alliances and complex interests were quietly distilled in the shadows until capitalistic fascism was born.
The layman was taught, his ideas molded, his perceptions suggested - his divinity diminished to the point of complacency.
No longer was the possession of the laymans power his own. The laymen had learnt they were powerless and peripheral in the eyes of the regime.
Until the 01/07/1851 - The annual freedom token hand out was to sparkle as a scintilla of hope in the darkness of the laymens existence. It was to serve as a distraction from the contemporaneous nature they had come to accept.
The day is now known as tax time hahahahaha