A clue - Backcreek was heading along the right lines, it is a railway station, standing today in the middle of a field. The station was always unmanned. With nothing around it for miles, during my research I saw pictures of this platform absolutely swarming with young fresh faced recruits heading off to WWI, scores of them, the young men from the surrounding countryside, heading to the Dardenelles, Gallipoli, and the Western Front. I wondered how many alighted at that same platform upon their return.
The line itself continued operating until 1975/6.
When I found it, the station name on the impressive sign was laying on the platform, knocked over some years prior. There was up until the late 80's still standing a tiny waiting room to protect a few hardy souls from the elements, but that has long since gone.
Now all that remains is a platform awash in a sea of wheat.
What is the name of the station (it's on the Kywong Branch Line - including Galore Silo) the RAAF base was two stops (approx. 7km away)