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RM Outback said:shakergt said:Hunting the yellow said:because laying a pipe line and piping it miles from a huge dam/lake to where its needed won't happen anytime soon with our gov
yep they should have done it when they talked about it. A few years back when Lake Argyle overflowed at the spill way they estimated that 85000 litres of water flowed per second. That's a fair bit of water flowing per hour
Shakergt that's 306,000,000 million litres per hour which equates to 7 billion 344,000,000 million litres per day. That's some serious water do you know how long those flows lasted. Funny thing is I was at a waste water treatment plant the other day and had thoughts of it being piped inland, it's class "A" water treated with chlorine and pumped into the ocean8)
. If the infrastructure was put in place it would have multiple benefits for many communities by way of the need of water and creating job's :Y:.
A lady from Bendigo has started a fund raising venture called Parma for a Farmer :Y: pub's are taking it up hopefully it'll go national. I'm not sure of the specifics it was only introduced this week and is gaining momentum :Y:.
This shows the figures for the 2013/14 wet
this link goes to the stats of Lake Argyle
Some serious volume when you think about it