'Australia Est 1788' T shirt

Prospecting Australia

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what ever happened to white Australia policy.....

bring back menzies!

by the way i am a wog and proud of it 1st gen egyptian, and i was brought up with "you need to harden up if you want to survive" being drummed into my mushy brain.

the amount of times i got bashed for being a wog at box hill tech in the 60's ...you learnt to harden up quick

racist? me? yup.

tolerent? yup to that too


it was part of growing up call people names but still be friends that is all gone now nick names will be next to mean to people fines will be put in place to stamp out any fun :eek:
dont tell the feds but i heard a boatload of aussie pensioners have hired an old indonesian fishing trawler to cruise around in the top end until border patrol picks them up

they already threw away their passports and theyre ready for the good life , cash handouts , free state housing , and they will get paid not to work

how good is that !
Let us talk of GOLD AND GEMS folks or at the very least show some magnanimity for the original inhabitants of this land who in many frontier locations conducted sustained and effective resistance against the invaders of their land for up to 30 years before laying down their weapons in front of overwhelming odds. Those warriors deserve the same respect that we unquestionably allow to "Johnny Turk" ...............the defender of the Gallipoli Peninsula ..... think about it !!

I think I'm qualified to talk on racism having grown up in South Africa. I honestly think that this entire "politically correct" BS has gone too far. Does this mean that we have to scrap our flag or stop using the name Australia etc? Where do we draw the line between common sense and lunacy? If this was the case, no country would be able to celebrate their national day without offending someone. As long as we can all live in harmony with each other and also respect each other isn't that all that matters?
let me just say this............ i am part aboriginal........ and work as a multicultural officer at the moment and i belive this political correctness has gone to far.............enough said..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
happy Australia day everyone.........were can i get a tee shirt from ?
Gav over my dead body will we stop using our flag i have family who died for our flag and land !
yes its 2am and im full of turps but i have never been more passionate about the place i call home !
sorry loamer something went wrong im not looking at the sky lmfao

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