ATO / Tax Office scam

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Jun 10, 2013
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Just a quick warning to everyone about a scam going around via the home phone. Today the 82 year old bloke that I am caring for got a call by a person telling him that she was from the tax department and that he was being sued for unpaid taxes and that a warrant had been issued for his arrest.

Luckily, the old bloke called me to the phone and I was able to work out what was happening and was able to reassure him that all was ok. That his beer money safe from the tax department.

Here is a link to scam watch site that explains what is going on.

Anyone that knows elderly or less internet knowledgeable friends that may become victims to this scam please warn them.


There is also a telstra. Scam going around. It starts off...hi my name is ... From telstra we want to help you with your internet problems... Its a way to let them highjack your browser with out you knowing about it.
I've had a couple of the ATO calls in the last week. The American accent is a bit of a give away.

There's also a Microsoft one that is similar to what nucopia mentioned. Though I got 2 bumbling Indians trying to dupe me so well could be Microsoft haha.
just a quick heads up,

a mate of mine (yes i do have some) told me he had a message on his home phone saying he has a tax bill outstanding, and yes he does, so he rang the number and couldn't get though, this went on for a few weeks and finally they answered the phone, my mate explained to them he had been trying to ring them back on the number that was left but he couldn't get through and the bloke said 'its too late the cut off date was yesterday' but you can pay the minimum payment over the phone $3500 or come in to this address, he gave my mate the address too.
I thought it sounded strange as I wouldn't of thought the tax department would have people who cant speak proper English! so I said to my mate its bull dust, ring the ATO on another number and find out ifs this is a scam......

and it is, so be careful everyone.
Thanks Numpty I have heard of this one getting around. It's sad that they still get people handing over their hard earned. I always get emails from paypal saying I need to verify my banking details does anyone else get these?
I get the ATO email every year saying we owe you $350 please click ATO link below!!

Also get the paypal one too saying your account has been disabled please click link and sign in to re activate>

NEVER click link and never call numbers provided always look up numbers or links in another browser and contact customer services if in doubt
Wow the useless *******s finally made up a better scam. We used to get the "insurance company" calling nearly every second night for a while.....At first I used to abuse and call them every name under the sun and threaten to do really evil stuff to them, lol. Never helped, just made them call more often.

I then decided I should waste as much of their time as I could. As soon as I knew it was a chinese call centre I'd put my best old blokes voice and tell them that I indeed had a very bad accident in which I banged my head and was glad they are calling... You could just hear their voice get all happy as if they think they have got you. I'd then tell them the accident was sooo bad I can't even remember it after about 5 mins of trying to, then they would ask if there was anyone at home to help? I'd say yes then ask them to wait a minute while I get them, then I'd get back on after several minutes and say that I can't even remember what I was doing and I need help to remember....

Thieving *******s then start to get pushier and pushier demanding you get your friend or wife to help, haha. One even had a chuckle one night knowing he was being scammed of his time. :lol:

Wasting their time caused them to call much less, haven't heard from them in ages actually. Oh except for the "microsoft technician" calling up to help with my virused computer. I actually laughed and had a minute chatting with him, telling him that he needs a new scam, that this was an oldy but a goodie but just didn't work anymore......

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