Are we still allowed to go prospecting?

Prospecting Australia

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By the time the nurse I live with is diagnosed with it.....
I have got it for sure!
So who will be looking after who!
So tell me once infected...
Now your a "host" how long before can you pass it on ?

The tests that prove you are positive to it are days behind you spreading it.
So how can i look after the nurse I live with, when I already have it before a blood test shows positive!
You have it before any test shows symptoms!
So who is looking after who...
It is not fluro spray paint on your skin !
Beleive me, the hospitals are well under prepared for this.
Don't be ignorant and think they have enough experience and resources to handle it.
If you do...
Your a fool!
the type needed is basically the same unit for keeping a brain dead patient alive!
Programmed to breath for them !
Not just a mask with 100% oxygen supplied under voluntary breathing!!!
Stick that up your government propaganda you trust!
Mate that is what I have been trying to tell people for weeks now and no one will listen and that includes my STUPID family
To you and the HERO (and that is what she is and I dare anyone to day different) you live with I hope you stay as safe as possible in these trying times
An educated 18yr old could outweigh the intellect of the government's stance of the average hospitals current protocols!
This happens when you have state premier who dosent even know what ships are even docking in the CAPITAL CITY OF NSW!
Before you blame "Joe blow" for going camping and self isolation....
For spreading it...
Wake up and look at the REAL BIG PICTURE!
Don't pick a debate and hide behind " the non polictcal side of the forum"
Stay at home....
How can I shop for her when I have it...?
Has anyone heard of nurses being looked after.....
Whilst you read a readers digest printed in 2015 in the waiting room...
Lucky 5000th person to handle it...
Where you policed to wash your hands upon entry to the hospital...
On the way out....
Umm no....
But don't go camping alone!!!!
Government blame game of incompetence!
I know what your on about MH. Unfortunately a lot of the trouble lies in the lack of training. Government hasn't had any prior experience with anything of this scale. People haven't had training to deal with this. Does it need training? Just use common sense right?
People are scared; some are seriously out of their minds scared. That's why they panic buy toilet role rather than basic supplies needed to treat the known symptoms....there's no common sense exercised because of the fear; at least that's what I think.

Take care all.
Rusty :goldpan: :pickshovel:
This topic was "can we still go fossicking?" Not sure what the NSW Gov't has said about fossicking. But it has just changed the rules about fishing. It is now considered "passive exercise" and with the normal distancing requirements permitted. One might think that fossicking should be similarly considered if someone asks the Gov't.
It's easy to blame the Government. They are sitting ducks.
Here's the real reason draconian laws get put in place. Because of people who won't listen & place themselves above all others. Self importance!

There are issues arising in rural NSW already. A Doctor in Coonabaraban has spoken out against an influx of people coming from Sydney & Newcastle.
No doubt this is happening in other small centres, including Mudgee.
Has been reports here locally of caravaners getting upset about being turned away from caravan parks & jumping up + down like spoiled kids as they don't meet the criteria (permanent resident at park or permanent travellers with no permanent place of residence). Obviously they are travellers that selfishly want to continue THEIR holiday or people thinking it's better to get out of dodge & meander around the countryside away from cities.
These types of people force the Government's hand so level the blame on them for the camping + travel bans!
In times like these Governments simply cannot have differing rules for differing circumstances so as stupid as you might think it is, because it imposes on what YOU want to do, it's an unfortunate but necessary measure put out in an effort to stop people travelling around & possibly spreading this.

I agree with a lot your saying MH but rules for some who just want to go camp by themselves & rules for others who just want to selfishly continue their travel won't work. It's messy enough as is & to me the new rules have been pretty simple/straightforward.
I also agree it will be scary in our regional area if it gets out of hand & like the report above says we don't have the resources available here. All the more reason to stop people coming here &/or travelling!
If the **** hits the fan I've got no doubt there will be support services put in place for people like us MH. I'm in the same boat - my missus gets it then I'll likely get it + the kids too. We're keeping in mind 95% of cases are still mild conditions only though & we have a good support network of family/friends in town to help if needed with supplies etc. Hopefully it doesn't get to that & we control it.
If you haven't got that support here MH, & things go pear shaped, drop me a PM & I'll drop supplies of at your doorstep or if I can't I'll try to get someone I know who can.
Blocker said:
This topic was "can we still go fossicking?" Not sure what the NSW Gov't has said about fossicking. But it has just changed the rules about fishing. It is now considered "passive exercise" and with the normal distancing requirements permitted. One might think that fossicking should be similarly considered if someone asks the Gov't.

Best to not ask IMO.
They have said you can leave you home for exercise locally. I see no reason it would be considered differently to any other passive exercise or even bush walking if done within social distancing guidelines etc.
Rattle the cage & keep asking them to define "exercise" then you may get the wrong answer.
mbasko said:
Best to not ask IMO.
They have said you can leave you home for exercise locally. I see no reason it would be considered differently to any other passive exercise or even bush walking if done within social distancing guidelines etc.
Rattle the cage & keep asking them to define "exercise" then you may get the wrong answer.

Fair enough, apologise rather than get permission, probably work.
See what happens when you keep prodding:
A media release on 2 April 2020 from the Chief Health Officer, Professor Brett Sutton, included the following:
There are only four reasons for Victorians to leave their home: food and supplies, medical care and care giving, exercise, and work or education.
Victorians must change their behaviour to change the course of this epidemic. This means all recreational activities beyond basic exercise are not allowed.
Unfortunately, this means no fishing, no hunting, no boating, no camping, and no golf. Hang up your rods, leave the tinnie in the driveway, and clean your clubs at home, Professor Sutton said.
Police have strong powers to enforce these directions and can issue on the spot fines, including up to $1652 for individuals and up to $9913 for businesses.
Recreational activities still look ok in NSW under certain conditions.
From the Shooters, Fishers & Farmers Party:
"Fishing and hunting permitted in NSW

During the week, SFF sent a letter to Police Minister David Elliott requesting clarity on what was considered 'exercise', 'essential' and how fishing and hunting fit into the new rules.

Since then, we received confirmation that both fishing and hunting is still permitted in NSW in certain and specific circumstances.

Here are the rules surrounding this:

*Long distance travel to hunt or fish is not permitted - movement laws still apply. This is not a reason to travel into Regional NSW.

*Fishing is permitted providedyou adhere to the social distancing and movement laws.

*Hunting on your private property as long as you adhere to the social distancing and movement laws.

If you hunt close to home, and it's what you normally do for table meat and exercise, you can continue. Remember to follow all other guidelines."
Well i'm in WA and i'm not crossing any regions, nor am stopping by any towns?

What if it's your full time way of making a living?
Hmmm not so good news in here for me :-( because it makes me lil worried about my planned trip to WA in May. Hope it will come better soon, sure in first for our older people with side diseases, which are the most risk groups. i keep every day a look on new infos. Very hard times for the people and the way of normal living. There are also some side risks which will be produced, here are some areas in europe especially italy where some people starts to be thefts......because they have become unemployed due to the crisis and have almost no money, also government didn`t help these people there.....

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