Welcome Sandra, I am sure someone around will help.
Hey mate, give me a call I'm sure we can work something out [Mod edit: For your security, personal contact details must not be included in posts]I have a question but no idea how to go about it, I live outside Bundaberg in Qld where could I find a couple of like minded people who would like to go out to an area of old diggings, that have been sluiced with new gravel out of old diggings by the flood here last year. I went up there over Easter and picked up several small nuggets in the creek, total weight was just under 3/4 of an ounce in about 2 1/2 hours using a Garrett Pro-Pointer. The reason I would need help is I only have 1 usable leg lol got broken and disintegrated in an accident so although I hobble well I still need a hand to look properly...............Any takers in the area plz yell out I'  m Solomon 009 from Bundy in the fair state of Queensland.
Hello Ben. My name is Erik. I have recently become interested in prospecting and have come across this old thread while doing research on the Bundaberg area. Was wondering if you could maybe point me in any kind of direction as I am finding it hard to get any info on the area. I have been a rock hound most of my life but also interested in gold and gems. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Erik.G'day Solomon & Whendy... Is you can see, I am from Bundy as well. I also lost a stack of gear in the floods but now rebuilding the collection. I get out at least twice a month, sometimes on gold, other times chasing gems. I have poked around the area since 1980 and have a fair idea of the place. Maybe we can get together for a run one weekend.