Am I legally allowed to fossick in Qld State Forests in 2015

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Aug 18, 2015
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Firstly let me apologise if this is a stupid question. I have been reading the Fossicking Act & Minerals Act & Regulations, Qld Gov't website, the last hour or so trolling through this forum & I still don't know.
I have been out to Deep Ck twice but no luck and wanted to try some State Forest around Imbil, but don't want to break the law in doing so. I was intending to just dig some gravel and knock out a few pans with my brother. I have no good idea where exactly but I have been out that way a few years ago and can remember a few creeks that might be worth a hike.
So if someone can give me some clarity on this I would really appreciate it.
From one of the links in the Fossicking & Prospecting Regulations - All Australian States section of the forum here...

I found the following info....\

Fossicking rules and responsibilities
Where you can fossick

Provided you have a fossicking licence and the written permission of the landowner, you may fossick on most land throughout the state.

However, fossicking is not permitted in:

national parks, conservation parks and high preservation areas
nominated waterways of wild river areas
state forests and timber reserves, except in the declared fossicking areas or general permission areas (see below)
areas where there has been a determination that native title exists, unless there is an Indigenous Land Use Agreement for the land that permits fossicking
other areas declared by regulation (these will be signposted).
If in doubt, check with the local mining registrar.
Hahahaha you have to ask the rangers for doing that they refer you back to the legistlation. No one wants to open the door to state forests...unless you got 150 head of cattle then you can lease it.
I was out at amamoor state forest last week cattle running amuck everywhere much destruction.
I could rock the craddle all day and you wouldnt know i was there a day later..
I found the following info....

And further down it reads; "Commercial mining tenures are allowed in fossicking lands but not in fossicking areas."


... "Fossickers must not enter any areas held under mining leases and claims without the permission of the lease or claim holder."

So, for eg this would mean fossicking is not allowed in parts of GPAs in Clermont (without miles of blah blah blah and a lucky result).

But the 99$ qu; What are "lands" to "areas", and where do they glossarise their put on these words?
The Qld prospector has been stripped of all rights and lands.
We have been pushed and discredited to the point where we have become outlaws in our own state.The same state we saved...
I will treat the government with the same contempt they treat us with. Im going to get a grazing lease and teach my cattle to prospect . I am in the proccess of building a papper mache cow with a rocker box conceild inside. Like to see the dpi response to that ....
Paper mache cow. I love it Yobskin but you will need to fill out several forms and provide detailed environmental analysis & impact statements on how big the cow is, what colour it is, the type of paper used (Gympie Times is ok but not the Courier Mail), does the glue act and taste like glue, what type of flour you use for the glue (00 organic is OK as long as its sourced from a foreign country and not produced locally). This will also need to include written submissions from existing cows & how they envisage their rights will be discriminated against. You can include this in your Bovine Impact Statement, but remember that this must be submitted in triplicate, chiseled onto a stone tablet & written completely in hieroglyphs. (You will require a separate Mining Permit to source the stone for the tablets) The cow will also have to be vet checked, tick bathed, and unlike most of our Qld Politicians be completely free of Foot IN Mouth disease.
Once you have satisfied all the above conditions & supplied us with remittance advice that we own your first borns soul, you will be required to wait several generations for your permit. If you wish to make a complaint regarding any of the above conditions, please address your complaint to:

The Dep't of We don't give a stuff about you or any of your hardworking, taxpaying voter mates & expect you will forget all about any grievances before the next election or decide that we are the lesser of two evils. & have a nice day!

NB:please note that this is a fictional Dep't but probably as relevant as any other.
Hahahaha its not that we want to sneak around...but getting a grazing lease is easier...
But i can tell you the unfit inspectors wont cross a knee deep creek nor will they walk any further than get to you.
Sure they will wait at your car take photos use local residents to help them try and catch you even though you not breaking any law...Half of the residents are unawear of the Act and boundry. Ive had it all. I always do the right thing regardless and not about to start breaking the law... i have become a stone in there shoe.
Forgot to mention im a shape shifter... i have plenty of disguises.
One week a was a rock following week i was a tree..
I get a maxi taxi to take me to some destinations you should hear the poor Srilankin driver when he is helping me load my rocker box and costumes im sure he thinks im nutz... he hates picking me up after a day of fun covered in mud and cobblers pegs.
I get picked up at a different location to where he drops me off...just to keep him guessing. Imagine dropping some one off in the middle of now where and then having a pickup with the discription of drive slowly until you hear a whistle hahahaha that bugger sure earns his fare...

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