age of bullet?

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Jan 11, 2015
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Dug this today, at a church..... My first bullet, that didnt use a shell? Pretty large, how old? Its from Ramjets turf, early 1800s area.

They are called 'minie balls' and shot from an einfield or springfield muzzle loader 1860 I think it was stared. Because of its viscious and horror impact it caused, this ammunition ceased the us civil war

Is there a star or emblem in the dimple on its base?
AtomRat said:
They are minie balls and shot from an einfield or springfield muzzle loader 1860 I think it was stared. Because of its viscious and horror impact it caused, this ammunition ceased the us civil war

Thanks mate, ties in well with the 1860 penny, that I found today :) My first minie ball :)
Nothing in the hollowed bit, in the base. Actually worth money? I wouldnt sell it anyway :)

here's one I got a couple of weeks ago , wouldn't want to be hit by it. Looks a bit thinner and taller than rocketaroo's ; 32mm long and 11mm wide and weighs in at 29.9 gm . pity it wasn't gold!
thanks Brett
This is what a mini ball projectile looks like , similar but not the same as your find.

What you have looks like it was fired from a cartridge ..
Similar to an Adams .450 revolver cartridge like this. It was used by British and Colonial troops and police 1868-1880
Not saying this is what it is as I do not know the calabre of your projectile, which if I knew would help narrow it down.
Ok not 100% sure but its maybe one of these or very similar.

.450 Adams is 11.6x 18mmR colonial police pistol round 1868-1880
.476 Enfield is 11.6m x 22mR Enfield MK11 revolver 1881-1911
Both rounds could be fired in either revolver as they shared the same 11.6 diameter.
Here is a pic of the Enfield MK11 .476
I have a friend that lives in Chickamouga GA
In 1863 the Union and Confederate armies fought in the battle of Chickamouga one of the biggest battles of the civil war.
My friend took me around all the battle sites and i came across a mini ball round out in the field.
The whole area is designated a national park/ cemetary and protected area , so no one is allowed to metel detect or remove any historical items they find.
A muzzle loaded and riffled 1861 Springfield (Union troops) used the minie ball which were of the caliber .58 inches or 15mm.
Unlike smooth bore muskets that used round shot , the minie ball fired at a higher velocity and tended to pass through a target instead of lodging in the flesh. If the minie ball encountered bone, it would do horrific damage to the bone and often resulted in amputation of limbs for a wound that a musket ball would often only require removal of the shot.
Ok hold up.What's with detecting these sort of bullets from a church. I've detected two local at churches. Why?

Big congrats on the find roo roo, I remember when I found my first too in the middle of the grass field just bhind the church.

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