A Shadow of a Man.

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Ross Langlands
Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, people. Please enjoy my latest ode with respect to the highbanking debacle. ]:D Please heed the call. :cool:

A Shadow of a Man.

Hark roll up and heed the call,
Tyranny's alive! Not dead at all
A new threat rears it's ugly head,
Awake! Arise! get out of bed.
The Government made some laws you see,
That adversely affect both you and me.

They say that we can fossick for our gold,
As long as we do what we're told.
They kept their cards close to their chest,
While we figured out what serves us best
Then, with arrogance, they played their 'Trump'...
You cannot use a water pump!.

No concrete evidence to support a ban,
To high-bank gold instead of pan
Just ignorance and ill intent,
All in the name of the environment.

They say that we might kill some fish,
With sediment from within our dish
They think we leave things irk and sloppy,
Yet they hold hands with the mining lobby

Now is the time to stand and fight!
For what is just and what is right,
Alas it cannot be with steel or gun,
Though I admit it would be fun!

Our strength is in our numbers full,
I kid you not this is no bull!
For NAPFA is our very best tool,
To skittle this 'compliance ' fool.
10,000 of us, maybe more,
together like a lions roar

So, Hark! Rise up! Get down from your fence!
And come to join us in defense
Of what is right and what is just!
Else, it will be the end of us.

They wish us beaten, Like 'compliant' mules
With broken backs and useless tools!
All lined up with our 'watering can'
A shadow of our past...
A shadow of a man!.
Thanks, fellas ...glad you took the time to read it! :p I thought it might resonate with many more though, in light of the most recent developments in relation to the Highbanker 'compliance' rubbish.Oh, the trials of a frustrated writer! :eek: ... ]:D My only tangible contribution to the cause seems destined for the back blocks of obscurity.
Haha!, Good on yer cobber!...If my work inspires just one person to 'join the rebellion' then it has been worthwhile.I don't do this for personal recognition!... but in the hope, it buoys and inspires people to stay focused and resolute in the cause. If they comment... in the positive... or the negative then I know it has been worthwhile. I have reached out in a literary way and touched them.
For someone like me, the words come bubbling out anyway...sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in words:rolleyes: My only real purpose in writing..verse, melody and lyrics, short stories etc is to leave a legacy to my children and grandchildren. To give them a lasting and tangible reminder that I lived, I loved, and I cared about them... and my Fellow country man.
Just keep em coming Cobber.
I missed the last line so I fixed it for you. :Y: :Y:
oh mate!, Thank you...did I FIND A WAY TO STUFF IT UP? or other. Either way, it looks ok now...what did I do? ah you know I was having problems uploading it.. Ken suggested I cut and paste it..and Bingo up she rises!..it sought of scattered the text though and I tried my best to get it back to 4-line format :rolleyes: but by that time I was like, over it. :/
A privilege to help to bring your work to life Rosscco,

I had to edit it to 4 line format and missed the last line. LOL

Cut and past em in Cobber, I will fix any thing that is wrong with pleasure.
Maybe I should start a sticky with Australiana Musings in the heading. :Y:

reefer said:
oh mate!, Thank you...did I FIND A WAY TO STUFF IT UP? or other. Either way, it looks ok now...what did I do? ah you know I was having problems uploading it.. Ken suggested I cut and paste it..and Bingo up she rises!..it sought of scattered the text though and I tried my best to get it back to 4-line format :rolleyes: but by that time I was like, over it. :/

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