a complete disaster

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Ross Langlands
Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
My sincerest apologies to my readers of 'A true Story or gold in my veins'. It contains an error that occurred in the writing on 'word pad' that I have found is impossible to correct using the sites 'EDIT SECTION' It would seem that a complete re-write is called for but I cannot bring myself to do that for as far as I'm concerned .I'M OVER IT! It has completely spoiled the continuity of what I think was one of my better offerings and I am truly sorry for the glitch... me thinks there's an evil at work!
WELL!..I dont know whats going on here.. last night After having posted 'the cricket club" I noted a huge repetitive error in the typing which led me to become in such a state I could of literally cried myself to sleep.This Morning when I told my wife about it she said "well lets have alook and see if we find what I did wrong"..Oh joy!!.. There was no mistake in the post!..Either God sent an angel with great editing skill from heaven or I was having a delirious turn for the worst..OR.. Doug stepped in and done some Magic Stuff Up Repair. :eek: Which ever is the case, I shall say three our father's and three hail Mary's everyday for two weeks!...I SUSPECT THE LATTER :p but once more I am very grateful.Cheers :cool: Rossco