A bit of a project happening

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Feb 17, 2014
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Been a bit busy over the last few days.
Could not put the Barby in it's designated spot so
I found a use for my shovels.
Ground was all uneven and I got sick of all the bare dirt so,
One way to fix it.
Nearly finished but work has got in the way as usual.
Will complete it as I go. :D :Y: :Y: :Y:

Looks tidy Tathra, will be a bit nicer to have the Barbie out there now. :Y:
Doug forget the brownie points .................. because whatever you may have gained, your going to lose again as soon as the missus see's what your doing with her good gloves :eek: ;) ;) :D :D :D :D
Browny Point's. ?
Already lost them by going away but made up for when I got crook. :D
The knee's are looked after as I have a pair of Hard Yakka trousers on with
padding in them.
And there is a raised garden bed going in the gap between the pavers and fence.
NO bloody hanging baskets I can tell you. ]:D Going to be planted with edible fodder.
I only have 2 rows to go and it is done. :cool:
I look forward to seeing a pic of the final result Doug, its going to be great I'm sure.
If you did the whole yard you could throw that whipper snipper hanging on the fence away, and also save heaps of water ;) ]:D
Oh boy!...I'd like a dollar for every paver I laid during my career! :p You look like your doing a great job Spin. :Y: :Y: ..when's the Barbie! ]:D
The original base is hard packed black soil 300 thick that
I laid down 20 years ago but no grass would grow in the area.
I took out 100 then leveled it off.
The black base is crusher dust that is spread out, screed off then as the
pavers go down, I wet to the consistency of mud then tamp them
down level with a rubber mallet. It is very solid when it dries out.
I have not set them dead level as they would be hard to walk on.
This causes your foot to flex slightly giving both grip and comfort.
Finally I had to put two fall offs keeping the water away from the house
as a lot of water gathers when it rains hard in this area.
The last stage is sanding them in.
You spread sand all over them, Sweep it around with a broom then hose
them off lightly washing the sand down into all the cracks. This locks
them into together stopping them from moving around.
LOL Jemba,
I sometimes catch one of those shows as there are not enough Fossicking
shows around to entertain me.
I have been wanting to do this for about 10 years so I thought now is the
time since I rack off a lot through winter scratching and sniffing. ]:D

Jemba said:
Now Doug why is it I get the feeling you may have watched one to many gardening shows on TV. :D :D
Mate you should expect them to be fairly stable considering the technique you have employed. :Y: The 'correct' way is as follows however. ]:D Excavate the entire area to a depth of 200mmm. Back fill with 100mm. of Hardcore fill..such as road base or blue metal, vibrate..using a 'Wacker' to attain an even compaction, top-dress with 50mm riversand. ensuring that the paver is set 10mm above finnish level...lay pavers. Apply fine dry sand.sweep into all joints. Undertake final vibration paying attention to the final finish level and top up any unfilled joints.Provide a 75mm.mortar coping to all stop-end areas not contained by a brick-on-concrete border. :Y: That said, I have seen numerous ways you can obtain a solid job..utilising all soughts of different materials to obtain the same result :p
What counts off course, is the final finish and the durability of the whole construction. You've certainly improved the area out of sight!...and I like the way you have 'mottled' the three colours together...I've seen a few jobs totally ruined aesthetically by blokes who you would expect to know better....well done Spin! :Y: :Y:
All depends on a few factors.
What type of base. ?
Mine was already hard packed.
Driving on them or walking. ?
These are for walking on.
What type of paver. ?
These are local compacted cement.
I only broke three of them and they were replaced free of charge. :Y: :Y:
There are a few factors involved but the satisfaction when completed is Grand. :party: :party:
I hope to have them completed by the weekend as I am not around next weekend. :D :D
Going scratching and sniffing.
Again. ]:D ]:D
Well yes of course it does depend on the weight bearing issues...most astute of you to point that out! :p ]:D The procedure I outlined was for vehicles weighing no more than 2 Tonnes. :Y: And is consistent with our local council specifications! ;) :cool: Aside from that I know that you will enjoy the ease of maintenance your area will provide and the barbie will be the icing on the cake I'm sure.A few pot plants strategically placed will 'soften' the whole scene I would imagine. :Y: It will be interesting to see what you come up with mate...enjoy....before it gets too cold! :p

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