Before you buy consider where and how often you may use it.
Chances are most of what's on offer is Chinese made with different badges, so be careful. Dollars saved means nothing when you are out in the bush
with multiple punctures.
There's been times when I have been under siege from multiple punctures across various deserts particularly the great Victoria and the Gibson, and these cheap Chinese compressors would of burnt to a crisp trying to keep up the air required.
There has been other times where I have had to air up and down many times a day and to stand around waiting for the tyre to inflate while the cheap piece of crap takes 20 minutes a tyre does your head in. This is typical of beach work along the South coast from Esperance to the Nullarbor or central Simpson work.
One time getting myself in trouble North of Meeka I did in 6 tyres with multiple side wall tears and used multiple plugs ( 20 in hole) just to limp back to town (70kms away).
My compressor worked overtime that day.
I'm not going to name brands but most of what's been mentioned here with the exception of one or two, meets the category of cheap and nasty.
Caveat Emptor, spend once, spend wisely.
End sermon.