$4000 an ounce

Prospecting Australia

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Over $4020 now and the US markets are not even in action yet.

Most unusual to have such gold firmness in just the European trading session.

Should be an interesting trading day in the US, who know much further the price can go tonight.

Unless the paper gold casino operators flood the market with futures contracts to drive the price down for a while.

Interesting time we are blessed (or cursed) to be living in, as we witness the dying days of the western Petro Dollar as the world reserve currency.
Over $4020 now and the US markets are not even in action yet.

Most unusual to have such gold firmness in just the European trading session.

Should be an interesting trading day in the US, who know much further the price can go tonight.

Unless the paper gold casino operators flood the market with futures contracts to drive the price down for a while.

Interesting time we are blessed (or cursed) to be living in, as we witness the dying days of the western Petro Dollar as the world reserve currency.
What's happening with the Western Petro Dollar?
I read an article recently that stated gold was taking over as the standard for which wealth is measured. The article stated that Asian, European and Arab countries were selling their stockpiles of American bonds and investing their American dollars into gold.
I read an article recently that stated gold was taking over as the standard for which wealth is measured. The article stated that Asian, European and Arab countries were selling their stockpiles of American bonds and investing their American dollars into gold.
China used to have a mountain of US bonds that they'd accepted in payment for their exports and were by far the largest holder of American debt 10+ years ago. They've been selling those down for some years and now I believe Japan is the biggest US creditor.
What's happening with the Western Petro Dollar?
Its past its use by date and is currently on life support, it will soon fade into history as have all the other world reserve currencies in past history.

What's the current US debt?
I think I read somewhere that it in the $30s Trillions and going up at a trillion dollars every few months, with US unfunded liabilities of over $200 trillion, this cant go on for much longer.

What gold is telling us is that the practice of creating money out of thin air by the FED and other central banks is not a sustainable practice and gold is taking over as the worlds premier currency.

The BRICS nations understand this and are working on a common currency with some gold and other commodities backing it.

All the current Ponzi schemes such as share markets & cryptos will crash in the next few year as will the absurd real estate markets.
People who hold these items as their main source of wealth will see their wealth disappear before their eyes.

Gold will shine in this environment as it the only form of honest money that God has given us, and it will retake its former number one position, as the world is forced back on to the gold standard.

I hope someone took my recommendation to buy some poor mans gold (silver) if you cant afford gold.

It had strong day on Friday, up about 7% to over $50 Aussie Pesos per ounce!
It seems to have broken the resistance levels to the upside and it could be starting a bull run too.

Interesting times indeed.

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