3.8 Earthquake north-east of Melbourne just hit.

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Sep 10, 2018
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My house shook at 11:42pm twice quickly in succession, like it was really cold and shuddered!

The epicenter was east of Mickleham in a place called Oaklands Junction.

Anyone else feel it?

I am only a few kilometres from the epicenter and I am surprised that it was only a 3.8 Mag, I felt like a blast wave and was extremely loud. Started like an aeroplane rumble and then the volume ramped up. The frequency of the shudder was very fast. I looked at my security cameras and it happened at 11.41.52 and lasted 3-4 seconds. A second one happened a few minutes later. It felt much more powerful than the one a few years ago, but did not last as long...
Another interesting fact: I have an earthquake app on my phone which alerts me to recent earthquakes. The app went off at exactly the same time as the earthquake.. Very strange. I have also seen reports of people saying they got the alert before they felt the quake,
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