mudgee hunter said:
kool condor!
But for us laymen, can you/ people please not abbreviate too much. Or in brackets use full worded terminology for us newbies!
EG, BMS? (B**** M** S***)
handy for us learn.

My apols, I forget that sometimes, which I shouldn't.
So here are a few
BMS = Battery Management System
SOC = State of Charge
DOC = Depth of Cycle
AGM = Absorbed Glass Matt
LioN = Lithium Iron Phosphate (in respect of these threads a deep cycle battery)
Re the above post from Nucopia. I have a couple of these from Jaycar I got about 14 years ago, only the 30 A version. Great little devices, they measure volts, amps and watts (what they are at the time), also, cumulative Amphours (AH), Watthours (WH), time since last reset and from memory, maybe max and min V, A & W. However,
They are a one way device, so you need to put one on the load circuit i.e. Battery connects to Input and loads to output. Then if you want to know solar input, you need a second one on the charging circuit i.e. Charger to input and battery to output. If you want to know what your net use is you need to subtract load used from charge input. This could be a + or - value and is indicative only if you don't know the condition of the battery to begin with. It will also not take into account any DC-DC charge if it's a separate charger, nor 240 VAC charging.
I have used them, I got fed up of resetting them every day, working out my use and still probably not knowing what the battery had in it. Notwithstanding all the wiring and holes needed in a caravan to use them. Which is why I went the BM PRO, bolt the device onto the battery, connect "all" loads, solar, DC-DC and 240 VAC to the negative terminal. One device, no holes, no wiring, no math, the batteries state of charge on my phone and it does the math. Hey, I got lazy in my old age, lol.
As an aside for those that have the BM PRO, next post.......