aussiefarmer said:
Excellent information :Y: ,
But the big question is how do you get the luck ?
Is it a favorite pair of jocks ?
Maybe you sacrifice a gold fish ?
Or is it just the good calma that comes with being so open to helping others ?

Hi AF, I will try to answer your questions
But the big question is how do you get the luck ? I dont think its luck, hard to say as everyone gets their windows different and how they approach the fields on every aspect, setting the foundations from the start can be a bit hard for some - as we know, many operators either have time to get out or are extremely limited and can only get out a few times a year even. Obviously your odds will be better the more you can get out, helps to ascertain the gold area's a lot quicker. When I say gold area's we all know the major gold area's, but its the constant hunt for the ones that were missed and how to read for potential increase on finds in your newly discovered window. I could write for hours on this one - I dont think its luck just a lot of real estate covered in the early days. And have many windows where I still get gold often
Is it a favorite pair of jocks ? Nah not at all - but then again I haven't changed them for a couple of years.
Maybe you sacrifice a gold fish ? I have a ritual that I always do but it doesn't involve sacrificing a Gold Fish
Or is it just the good calma that comes with being so open to helping others ? I believe and always have that helping others goes a very long way in life, obviously their are limits as we get older and we learn from our mistakes of being too generous, lending things to others, loaning money to people - so many times you never see that item again or that person moves away never to be heard from again.
Confidence and Determination - so many words can go into the approach on everything. I also mentioned to the group members on our days out in the fields, and also provided them with my own personal literature, of course we have set backs but failure is never an option. With me in the fields, even a little piece of rust or a buck shot, its not a failure but it is a positive because it means you found it and no one else has. Always maintaining that positive approach and most times I tell myself its probably rust or lead and when its gold well yeah it boosts up a bit, sometimes there are those moments where we just know or at least 51% sure that it is gold. The more we convince ourselves that every target is gold or it has to be gold usually ends in frustration and bad results.
Also repetitive work helps newcomers and even long time veterans who find it hard to get to the top of the circle again, sometimes habits just change gradually over time without noticing and need to be refreshed. Its similar to muscle memory, the more repetitive work we do or things we read starts to become clearer when we action it. So sometimes I just keep repeating these things in my posts or on the YT vids, over time viewers and readers will begin to remember, much like if we get told a phone number we will forget pretty quickly unless we write it down, so if you say the number three times in a row more than likely we will retain the information longer.
Anyway hope that helps, just between us it hasn't been a couple of years ]