Hi Guys,
Back into it today after few days off, last day was the 17x11 Elite first run 31st Jan with that piece of gold. Then Feb 1st testing the Elite Coils Comparison Results and too hot to get out.
Well today nice weather change so I hit the fields to see if I could start off a good February. After arriving at location Day 35 Now at the Gold Hole area. I ventured away from the main area where I have been working and hit some new grounds, really good deep targets operating in a Normal General mode. After a couple of hours I ventured back towards my main area to a lower section where I havent swung yet.
Switched back to an Enhance Soil timing and concentrating for the signals that dont jump out, we all know a dig signal that screams and we wont miss them, so we focus on everything else. I hit a couple checked in various soil timings, normal deep etc with no luck. Again back to Enhance and the signals were there.
1st Buck Shot
Second Gold
Third Gold
Fourth Gold
Fifth Gold - after arriving home to check the fifth piece which was trapped between quartz and calcrete.
0.20 Grams - 4 Inches
0.25 Grams - 5 Inches
0.47 Grams - 6 1/2 Inches
0.65 Grams - 7 1/2 Inches
Total Grams 1.57
Was a great day except when the heavens opened up and no where to cover. Bit of rain never hurt anyone did it? Best thing was the flies disappeared
Back into it today after few days off, last day was the 17x11 Elite first run 31st Jan with that piece of gold. Then Feb 1st testing the Elite Coils Comparison Results and too hot to get out.
Well today nice weather change so I hit the fields to see if I could start off a good February. After arriving at location Day 35 Now at the Gold Hole area. I ventured away from the main area where I have been working and hit some new grounds, really good deep targets operating in a Normal General mode. After a couple of hours I ventured back towards my main area to a lower section where I havent swung yet.
Switched back to an Enhance Soil timing and concentrating for the signals that dont jump out, we all know a dig signal that screams and we wont miss them, so we focus on everything else. I hit a couple checked in various soil timings, normal deep etc with no luck. Again back to Enhance and the signals were there.
1st Buck Shot
Second Gold
Third Gold
Fourth Gold
Fifth Gold - after arriving home to check the fifth piece which was trapped between quartz and calcrete.

0.20 Grams - 4 Inches
0.25 Grams - 5 Inches
0.47 Grams - 6 1/2 Inches
0.65 Grams - 7 1/2 Inches
Total Grams 1.57
Was a great day except when the heavens opened up and no where to cover. Bit of rain never hurt anyone did it? Best thing was the flies disappeared