Just thought I might revive this post, as it was inspirational ,.... those seeds of thoughts that sit there bideing time till time sits right can truly have their day, they grow through gaps and crevices in the undulating field's of emotions, till ripening yield their fruit.
very close to seven months alcohdry at this moment in time for me ,... took 9 1/2 months from germination of inspired thought before the fruit yielded for me, but, when I took that step across into the realms of non drinker it was easier to accomplish than I realised. I do know that having inspirational example setters and people saying you can do it, and seeing first hand the high esteem one is held in by ones peers on this forum for being able to quit/stop drinking alcohol as a personal accomplishment, is one very good seeding, even on fallow ground. Even though Mrs S still has a few drinks, and even though at times I even pour some of those drinks, or walk into Uncle Dans and buy full bottles of spirits, it never even makes a dent in the armor ,.... I hope, my seven months of being a non drinker (even over Christmas and New Years) can help (along with the rest of this thread) to set seeds and inspire others to do and achieve what they will. After all, I feel that once you can make your body jump through this hoop, anything is then possible. Live long and Prosper my many forum friends.