This looks interesting, look at your fine gold and take photos and videos...
DrDuck said:This looks interesting, look at your fine gold and take photos and videos...
That little scope does a great job dron they're really food photos and i'm glad when you said it was a tick, lolDron said:Ok my USB Microscope arrived today, I took some experimental photos of my reefy gold.
I've had the gold soaking in Alibrite for about a fortnight, also I cleaned it lightly with a toothbrush. The gold is very brittle and some little bits flaked off when I cleaned it with the toothbrush, but I've saved every speck.
It's hard to get the focus just right with the flimsy stand included, but I guess you get what you pay for. Not bad for 18 bucks.
On close inspection I found that bristles from the toothbrush I used to clean the gold have gotten lodged inside the specimen. How am I going to get those out? Is there an acid that will dissolve plastic toothbrush bristles?
I also found this little hitchhiker on my stomach so took a little video of him.
1. Reefy gold is cool.
2. We live in a world where you can buy an $18 USB microscope from China
3. Don't use a toothbrush to clean your reefy gold.
4. Ticks are gross.
PabloP said:When I was looking at the images that Dron put up I was thinking that is a cool device. Then I remembered that I purchased one myself 3-4 years ago and had never really used it.
So I fished out a chunk of quartz with some fine gold in that I recovered from up near Georgetown a coupe of years ago and had a look at it using the beast. Good thing. it really showed the gold quite clearly, bad was that is also showed that when I had smashed the big chunk of quartz and carried just some back to the car, I had thrown away a piece that likely still had gold in it as that face has more gold showing than the other one where I broke it in half again.
This is part of the gold on the face where I through away the rock that it was fractured from.
Oh well I know where I through those chunks of quartz, so next time I am back in the north I may go and have a closer look at them.
Rob P.