Has to be the 1835 sixpence and the little bit of gold I found within about 100 metres of each other on 2 separate occasions.
When I found the 6p I was walking back to the ute and just waving the coil around as I went and from memory it came up a solid 36 on the 705 when I switched from A M mode to coin mode to check the TID.
The 0.23 gram came of a mullock heap that would have been literally flogged by detectors for the last 30 years!
They must have both had my name on them I guess!
When I found the 6p I was walking back to the ute and just waving the coil around as I went and from memory it came up a solid 36 on the 705 when I switched from A M mode to coin mode to check the TID.
The 0.23 gram came of a mullock heap that would have been literally flogged by detectors for the last 30 years!
They must have both had my name on them I guess!
