G'day people,
Last weekend I was lucky enough to be invited onto a private property with the blessings from the owner. I was told the previous size nuggets found and where they we found. Avoiding the known areas and choosing the other side of the gully.
The property has a deepish lead mine and a series of mullock heaps running down the gully for the length of property. The area is known for HOT ground, but with the amount of rain Victoria has had the ground was off its head.
After trying out different settings to get the ground noise under some sort of control. I had to dumb the 45 back to FP in Enhance. After the first sweep I got a very quiet signal which I took notice of, stepped over and kept swinging. After noticing most of the ground noise had been taken care of after altering the settings, I stepped back to that initial signal a meter or so back and scraped the surface with my boot.
With a slight improvement I proceeded to scrape with the pick, with each inch of gravelly decomposing conglomerate I got through the better the signal got until I got close enough to blank my machine. I have been waiting to experience that process since I started prospecting and knew I was in undisturbed ground.
After several scoops the target was over the coil and screaming like a bullet. In no time at all I could feel dense wait in amongst the clay and than there it was 8) my biggest piece by far. You f#@%in rippa. Sat back and absorbed every part of the dig. Pretty soon the owners returned and I went up to show them my find and saying the next on is yours and got back to it. An hour or so later the .91 popped out and was handed over with a BIG smile.
The little one went .1 and was found on the other side of the gully.
I could have made the post twice as long as every millisecond is still fresh in my brain, but I though its probably long enough
Cheers, Lee