You got that right Patrick1, it all adds up.
Hard Luck said:Hi everyone,
I'm Hard Luck and have joined the forum as I seem to have once again got the gold fever bug.
I was doing some cleaning up and found some of my old leads maps and the Prospectors Guide 10th edition. Printed in 1980 by the department of Minerals and energy, Victoria. I only went prospecting a couple of times in the early nineties, possibly late eighties with a hired Minelab detector.
The bloke at the Mitcham store was shocked to see I had found a small nugget in a mullock heap, as we were complete rookies. From memory it was 3.something grams but it was a long time ago now.
The nugget has since disappeared due to "problematic" family members, but hey that's life I suppose.
Over the years I have tried to convince mates to give it a go, trying to convince them that there is still a lot of gold out there but no one has been interested.
So now I'm biting the bullet and getting a detector within my budget and going alone with the dog.
All the best
Nothing Great said:
Havent been able to get out since sunday due to car issues sadly but managed to get out for an hour this afternoon and picked up this little prickly bit.
Cant seem to find that decent piece yet but hopefully it will come.