Two .5 chunky pieces on some new pending ground out west

I sent you a PM.Call me when you can and we'll arrange something.trekkie said:gidday patrick1. I would like to meet up but cant get there til about 10 am and where would you like to meet. I dont know area and following directions from doug stones map coming from tarnagulla
trekkie said:gidday everyone. well today is end of holidays. 2.5 days at whipstick no gold but plenty of wire and slugs . 2 days at tarnagulla no gold but plenty of tin . 1 day at moliagul no gold but plenty of old cans. decided to stop in at tarna for 1 more swing and after about 40 mins got a signal from detector and dug up a rock about size of hand which detector liked , took rock back to car and tested with pinpointer and it screamed so broke it open and covered with what looks like gold specks, so excited a first for me . will take home and crush and pan fingers crossed.