Hi All,
I got my first ever piece of gold with my 10 yo son a couple of months ago and I must say we were very excited to say the least. So after lots of reading(on this forum - some amazing info)and lots of dreaming, we headed up to Maryborough again for our second attempt. Armed with a gpx 5000 and a map, off we went. Our first piece came within an hour and a half and right next to the car. Two days later we got our second piece. All up 1 gram. Lots of pellets, bullets, and small bits of iron along the way was at times frustrating to say the least, but I can be impatient at the best of times. This however was far outweighed by the look on my sons face when he saw that wonderful colour through the dirt in our scoop. I asked my son what was the best part of the trip as he got to do a lot of other things and he said finding gold which surprised me as at times he got bored. Do you want to come Back? "Yes please Dad." So am I hooked? Absolutely! cant wait for our next adventure, so until then lots more research and dreaming.