There is a lot of gold lying about, its just much harder to get too. My mate got 12 oz last year with an sdc, on heavily detected ground.The pine creek oragin is pretty big, goes from darwin to katherine and as far east as kakadu, about 300sq km, nearly all of it leased. Getting permission is straight forward, you need to contact the lease holders in writing 2 weeks in advance of your mission, if no reply, then its assumed all is good. By rights, they can, t say no, but can deley you if your presence interferes with their operations, cattle muster, burn offs etc.there was an 8 to 10 oz nug found over easter, one of my mates got a 62 grammer last year, and another mate pinged a 22 grammer about a month ago. My best so far is 1.6gm and next best is a .9gm and todays .5, but this will be a good year for me, I know it.
My mate has an extraction lease, and has found the source, I was camped on his lease last night. Just waiting for the burn off to start digging. I help him dig, he lets me detect anywhere on his lease any time, no notice required. I have seen what he has found. Some locals reckon he is just a mad old prospector, but I have seen and believe!