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Prospecting Australia

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Nice flakes there mate I
Went out yesterday and got 30+ specs for Two hours of highbanking that dream matt is sensational. I didn't even classify the material just spooned it on the miller table when I got home. Keep up the good work, weather like this is perfect for taking the kids prospecting looking at going to stantons place in the next couple of days with the kayak, hopefully the tiger snake population is down this year!!!
SD 2300 finds gold. Went out on 15 December, got a target noise and started digging. After creating a hole about the size of a bucket I had 32 pieces. Not large admittedly, however 32 pieces !!! Went back in the morning and 13 more from same hole. In all 45 pieces 0.6 g in total. Next will pan some of the clay. Anyway the 2300 delivers.


Tested some new ground yesterday and success - The first pan turned with some nice little specs amongst some great colourful stones and minerals. I loved all the colours in the pan with plenty of pyrites, magnetite, garnets and what looked to be silver? About 20 colours to the pan so I'm heading back, 20min was just not enough.

Question? I read about fellow prospectors finding mercury in the pan... how is this identified? What does it look like or how does it react in the pan? Thanks in advance!
Went back to the previous spot for another couple of hours to continue working the gravel wash bar found earlier in the week. Then stopped past another little section of a smaller off shoot stream - Gotta love colour in the pan. Here's the gold cleaned up and on show, only small but it will add up, just means more time on the creek.
Hi Yobskin, no mate I'm in South Australia. Plenty of gold around but just very fine in most of our main streams flowing through the hills. This was from the upper Torrens, had a pan and a small spade in the car, saw some nice gravel wash dried up after our recent floods and right next to a parking area where I had clear access to the stream. First pan and I had 20 or so specks, I was excited to say the least.

HI all from Gold Cheddar...got to do a little reconnaissance out at the creek after 400mms..but still not enough to do what Cyclone Ita did..but taking kids out for some much needed connection with the Bush next week.. the above was a large chunk of quartz with a speck of pyrite..dang 5 kg chunk of quartz but with lots of oxidation.