Was that near the weir wall Paydirt? I bin telling my brother in law to get his tail down that way and also have a look at Michalago and Tumbarrumba, good gold there.
headbut said:Bummer mate , loose lips sink ships , or big binoculars LOL
We let you know soon
banksy said:thank mate, getting in my last trip up to tuena before I move to Brisbane, not much gold up there. Got catch up with jeff AKA CROC up there, found a nice patch of gold in the creek.
Yea mate in the fossicking area (red dirt hill) u cant miss it. There is only one. Bit harder to climb down but worth it they have planted small trees around the gullies so be careful close to the waters edge.MJB said:Nice work Yobskin.....they look like nice little chunky bits. Is this the deep creek public fossicking area or somewhere further up or downstream?
Awesome effort mate!G0lddigg@ said:Little Ballarat gold from an hours dig this arvo. Good to see the old spots have plenty of new deposits now that the waters gone down. Came up just over a gram in fines.